Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Fitness Journey So Far

So far, I have lost 53 pounds in 6 months! Woohoo!

I just wanted to take a few minutes and thank those of you who have been super supportive and inspiring! I have met so many wonderful new people so far, and I am absolutely blown away by the kindness and motivation that people share! I am part of two fitness groups on Facebook, and the encouragement from each and every member is wonderful! Having a "fitfam" has made this journey so much more bearable! Who wants to go through it alone?!

If you're on a journey, and if you feel alone- you're not! There are so many people out there willing to give you a little push, motivation, and even offer advice! I will stand by your side, or behind you to give you that extra little shove if you need it! You're not alone, we're all in this together! I have an accountability partner, Suzie, whom I check in with daily and we share what we have done (as far as working out) that day.  I also met Sara, who's motivation keeps me motivated! She's just plain awesome and so encouraging! If you need a partner, let me know. I will try to set you up with someone, or I will check in with you daily to help keep you motivated! We all can be an inspiration to one another. We're not here to compete, but to empower! You've got this!

No, I am not a fitness coach. No, I am not an expert. No, I don't get paid. No, I don't pretend to know everything about anything. I am simply addicted to my workouts, and am in the process of making it a habit and not a "have to." Yes, I will offer you advice if you ask for it. You can take it for what it's worth, or throw it out the door. What works for me, may not work for you. We're all different, but sharing the same journey. Don't walk alone, it's much more fun when you know there are people out there who've got your back!

Yes, there will be "haters." There will be people who doubt you- friends, family, acquaintances. Let that be even more motivation to kick some ass and prove them all wrong! Only you can control your outcome.

Have a tremendous Tuesday and email me if you're interested in an accountability partner!

NO, you do not have to be a blogger to have a partner.
Also, share your IG account name with me and I would be glad to follow!
you can find me @foodielovesfitness -leave me a comment that you found my blog and I will follow back!

Monday, June 17, 2013

A quarter of the way through Insanity!

Hi! I can't believe I'm a quarter of the way through Insanity already! Yay! Does it work? Yes. I'm losing inches people! I'm stronger, I'm losing fat, and guess what?! I found some muscle I didn't think I would ever see again! I took the second fit test and some of my numbers doubled! How awesome is that?! 

Here is a photo collage of my transformation so far. The photo of me holding my daughter was in January of this year. The picture next to it was taken today. The photos on top are progress photos and results from Insanity. In just 16 days! Damn! I'm proud! 

I wasn't sure I would ever see muscle again, let alone collarbones! I can't wait to see the changes the next 44 days will bring! 

On a side note, I've also been switching over to Paleo. I'm no expert, just learning! Feel free to leave comments with your blogs and I would love to visit! I need all of the support I could get!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Low Calorie No-Bake Cookies

Low Calorie? Say what!?

Yep, I've found the perfect recipe for no-bake cookies! 54 Calories per cookie! Awesome!
I will give you the ingredients, and tell you how I tweaked it, you choose how you make it, but your calories may change!

1 Cup Splenda
1/3 Cup almond milk (regular milk is okay, but your calories and fat will change)
2 tablespoons of butter - I use a smart healthy butter that is lower in calories
1 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 pinch of salt
1 1/2 scoops chocolate protein powder (mocha or coffee)
** here is where I changed it up. I added chocolate flavored lean 25 from GNC
1/4 Cup of creamy peanut butter ** I used PB2.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups quick oats


1. In a large saucepan (medium heat) add Splenda, milk, butter, cocoa powder, and salt. Bring to a boil and let the mixture boil for one minute, stirring frequently.

2. Remove from heat and whisk PB2 (or peanut butter) protein powder, and vanilla until well mixed. Stir in the oats.

3. Roll into golf ball sizes and drop onto waxed paper or you can plop them down with a spoon for the "haystack" look. Allow them to cool and setup for 15 minutes and coat with additional cocoa powder, PB2 and finely chopped nuts ** I didn't top mine with anything.